Newable Finance brokerage to partner with property development software company, Haast

By jesse_orange

Newable Finance, a brokerage dedicated to finding finance for SMEs and property backed businesses, has partnered with Haast, a property development software company. Haast helps property developers manage projects and associated finance. Haast have built a software platform that automates the entire development process. On completion of answering a short questionnaire, Haast will build a … Continued

Why your business needs a business loan

By Natasha Boumediene

These are challenging times for many UK businesses with the economy heavily affected by the pandemic, so much so that a business loan has become a need for businesses to survive. The old saying that “cash is king” has probably never been truer to business owners than now, with many long established and previously successful … Continued

How to get a business loan with bad credit

By Natasha Boumediene

Can I get a loan with bad credit? Having a poor credit history can often hinder business finance applications, especially through the more traditional routes. This is not ideal as many businesses continue to suffer due to the restrictions that have come with Covid-19, making it more difficult to finance a company’s everyday expenses. This … Continued

Unsecured vs Secured Business Loans Explained

By Natasha Boumediene

A business loan is a simple form of lending; in exchange for finance, you will pay interest on the loan without giving away any shares in your business. Repayments are usually made on a monthly basis via a fixed amount covering interest and capital. Business Loans fall into two main categories; secured and unsecured.  This … Continued

How to finance a business acquisition

By Natasha Boumediene

So how do you finance a business acquisition? And what is acquisition finance? This article explains the various options available to businesses when financing an acquisition along with top tips. Why acquire a business? You may have decided that growth through acquisition is a faster, more cost effective and less risky option for your business. … Continued

Debt Restructuring & Refinancing Business Debt

By Natasha Boumediene

Refinancing your debt could be an option for your business too, and here is why. Debt refinancing is where your existing debt facilities are replaced with new facilities that provide more suitable arrangements for your business. Debt restructuring could involve using a new lender, changing what debt products make up your facility or increasing the … Continued

Wheels for success

By Natasha Boumediene

Throughout its growth, Oxford Hydrotechnics (H2OX) has built a trusted industry reputation based on extensive expertise, an innovative culture and above all, consistent results. In the 28 years since its establishment, H2OX has grown substantially, offering its clients a wide range of services including leak sealing, ground stabilisation, grouting, and floor and structural repairs. Along … Continued

Asset Finance Explained

By Natasha Boumediene

Asset finance opportunities may also offer crucial lifelines for small and medium-sized businesses. We explain what Asset Finance is and why it is a viable funding solution for SMEs. Asset finance explained Asset finance facilities may offer crucial finance for small and medium-sized businesses. We explain the features and benefits of asset finance below. What … Continued