Conversing with funders – Speaking the language of finance

By jesse_orange

No 5. Conversing with funders Every business sector has its own jargon and shorthand, and finance is no different in that respect. What makes finance slightly different is that it has a language crammed with maths, accounting and economics terminology. So, there’s quite a lot to navigate when you are going through the application process, … Continued

Newable opens for the Recovery Loan Scheme

By Natasha Boumediene

What is the RLS? The Recovery Loan Scheme allows UK businesses to recover through access to business finance, giving them the tools to grow following the Covid-19 pandemic. A government backed scheme; RLS is the successor to the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS), Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS), and Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan … Continued

The Importance of Understanding Personal Guarantees

By Natasha Boumediene

Reparo Finance recently commissioned independent research on SMEs’ attitudes to and understanding of business borrowing. The results were astounding. In particular, Reparo found that almost half of all businesses that have taken out a loan did not fully understand the level of personal risk they were accepting. Nearly half of SMEs that recently took out … Continued

Domestic Reverse Charge: what this means for your business

By Natasha Boumediene

What is the Domestic Reverse VAT Charge? UK suppliers have been accounting for their own VAT for several decades. Many SMEs use VAT payments from customers as a source of working capital before sending the funds to HMRC. However, that’s changed. VAT cash no longer flows between VAT registered businesses involved in the construction industry. … Continued